An entry for the 3-Day Winter MelonJam 2024, made by the combined efforts of a 4-person team.
FERROCIOUS is an action-packed split-screen movement shooter utilising the concept of ferrofluids and polarity in its design; black and white environments shroud the opponent, leaving their position a mystery as they seemingly blend into it.
The goal is to shoot down the opponent as many times as possible within a given time limit.
Hide and move, shoot and don't be shot, but most of all: BE FERROCIOUS.
- Move your character with - WASD / Left Stick
- Press and Hold to Run - Shift / L2 / L3
- Press and Hold to Crouch - Ctrl / C / Circle
- Press to Jump - Space / X, again for a Double Jump
- Fire - Left Mouse Button / R1
- Look Around - Mouse / Right Stick
Note: The game uses the royalty-free, non-copyright track "Black Ice" by Infraction:
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